CORGi: Computer Organization Research Group @ CMU
Welcome to CORGi!
We are working on many interesting projects.
Meet the people who make it happen,
and read our publications.
Current Projects
Recent Research Highlights
News (yyyy-mm-dd)
- 2025-03-21: Souradip’s paper on NUPEA: Optimizing Critical Loads on Spatial Dataflow Architectures via Non-Uniform Processing-Element Access from his internship at Efficient Computer will appear at ISCA.
- 2025-03-06: Souradip’s paper on Ripple: Asynchronous Programming for Spatial Dataflow Architectures will appear at PLDI.
- 2025-02-28: Mitchell received the Apple CMU ECE PhD Fellowship in Integrated Systems. Congratulations!
- 2025-02-21: Guy, Nathan, and Jennifer’s talk on rocket-based computing will appear at Wild And Crazy Ideas session at ASPLOS’25.
- 2025-02-15: Jennifer’s paper on the limits of locality was accepted at YArch workshop at ASPLOS’25.
- 2025-02-14: Sara’s extended paper on FairyWREN was accepted at ACM Transactions on Storage.
- 2024-11-05: Nikhil, Mitchell, and Brian presented their papers at MICRO’24!
- 2024-09-28: CORGi welcomes new PhD students Guy and Sun A.
- 2024-07-17: CORGi will have two papers at MICRO’24: The Tyr Dataflow Architecture: Improving Locality by Taming Parallelism and Leviathan: A Unified System for General-Purpose Near-Data Computing. Congrats to Nikhil, Mitchell, Souradip, and Brian!
- 2024-07-12: Sara gave talks at HotCarbon’24 and OSDI’24 on sustainable storage systems.
- 2024-06-12: Sara’s paper A Call for Research on Storage Emissions was accepted at HotCarbon’24.
- 2024-05-10: Brian was hooded! Congrats on the PhD, Dr. Schwedock!
- 2024-05-03: Sara’s FairyWREN project, a sustainable flash caches for the datacenter, was accepted to appear at OSDI’24.
- 2024-03-29: Congrats to Sara on her paper on carbon emissions (with Harsh Desai and Brandon Lucia) at HotEthics workshop co-located w ASPLOS’24.
- 2024-02-20: Nathan is a Sloan Research Fellow.
- 2023-12-08: Baleen: ML Admission & Prefetching for Flash Caches, a collaboration with PDL and Meta, was accepted to appear at FAST’24.
- 2023-10-04: UDIR: Towards a Unified Compiler Framework for Reconfigurable Dataflow Architectures by Nikhil, Mitchell, Souradip, and Brian will appear at WDDSA @ MICRO’23 and IEEE Computer Architecture Letters.
- 2023-08-28: Sara was accepted at EECS Rising Stars!
- 2023-07-24: Pipestitch: An energy-minimal dataflow architecture with lightweight threads by CORGi members Nathan Serafin and Souradip, with co-authors Harsh and Brandon, will appear at MICRO’23! Nathan also co-authored a paper with Zhengrong Wang and Tony Nowatzki.
- 2023-07-03: Brian defended his PhD thesis! Go Brian!
- 2023-05-12: Immensely proud to hood Graham, CORGi’s first graduated PhD student! Joyfully co-advised by Brandon Lucia.
- 2023-04-04: Kobold: Simplified Cache Coherence for Cache-Attached Accelerators will appear in IEEE Computer Architecture Letters.
- 2023-03-29: Congrats to Jennifer for receiving the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
- 2023-02-23: Congrats to Xuesi on her paper Dataflow Blocks: Modular Time-Multiplexing for CGRAs at YArch’23 workshop!
- 2023-01-20: A paper describing the MANIC testchip got accepted to ISCAS’23. Collaboration with Oguz Atli, Ken Mai, and Brandon Lucia in ECE.
- 2023-01-10: Sara and co-authors won Best Paper at SIGCSE’23 for CS-JEDI: Required DEI Education, by CS PhD Students, for CS PhD Students. Congrats, and very well deserved!
- 2022-12-19: Nikhil and Mitchell’s abstract on Reconfigurable dataflow architectures in the post-Moore era was selected for a full proposal at the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship!
- 2022-09-09: Kobold will also appear in the Student Research Competition at MICRO’22. Congrats Jennifer!
- 2022-09-08: Kobold: Simplified Cache Coherence for Cache-Attached Accelerators, a project led by visiting undergraduate researcher Jennifer Brana, will appear at the 1st Workshop on Democratizing Domain-Specific Accelerators (WDDSA) at MICRO-22. Congrats Jennifer and Brian!
- 2022-09-01: CORGi welcomes new PhD students Xuesi and Mitchell.
- 2022-08-04: Binghamtom University wrote a nice article about Jennifer Seibert’s work on täkō.
- 2022-07-19: RipTide: A programmable, energy-minimal dataflow compiler and architecture will appear at MICRO’22. Congrats Graham and Souradip!
- 2022-07-11: Graham defended his PhD thesis! Woohoo!
- 2022-07-08: Posted Brian’s talk about täkō from ISCA’22 to YouTube.
- 2022-05-28: Spatial Locality and Granularity Change in Caching (collab w/ Charles McGuffey and Phil Gibbons) will appear as a Brief Announcement at SPAA’22 and a full paper is on arXiv.
- 2022-05-23: An extended paper on Kangaroo will appear in ACM Transactions on Storage.
- 2022-05-06: täkō was nominated for a Best Paper award at ISCA’22.
- 2022-05: Nathan visited Washington, Cornell, Stanford, MIT, and Georgia Tech to talk about Re-Thinking the Hardware-Software Interface for Data-Centric Systems.
- 2022-04-02: Nathan gave a talk at the 2nd Principles of Memory Hierarchy Optimization workshop (PMHO @ PPOPP’22).
- 2022-04-01: Congrats to Sara (and others) on receiving the CMU Graduate Student Service Award for developing the new course 15-996 CS-JEDI: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion!
- 2022-03-02: täkō will appear at ISCA’22. Congrats Brian!
Past Projects